Can Tho University Journal of Science being accepted for indexing in the ACI database
On October 25th, 2021, Prof. Narongrit Sombatsompop - Chairman of the ACI (ASEAN Citation Index) Steering Committee has announced the results of the review of scientific journals to be accepted for indexing in ACI in 2021. Can Tho University Journal of Science is one of five accepted journals out of 15 journals that were applied to ACI this year.

CTU Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development being accepted for indexing in the ACI database
Can Tho University Journal of Science (CTUJS), ISSN 2615-9422 and e-ISSN 2815-5602, is a multidisciplinary journal with the goal of providing scientific research results of Can Tho University in particular, and national and international scientific research work in general, contributing to promoting scientific research and technology transfer. The scope of the Journal includes (i) Natural Sciences-Technology-Environment, (ii) Agriculture-Aquaculture-Biotechnology, (iii) Social Sciences-Humanities-Education, and (iv) Economics-Law.
Published since 2015, CTUJS has been continuously improved its quality. Each year, the journal publishes high-quality original research and review articles that are critically and seriously reviewed, ensuring scientific quality towards international standards. Being accepted into the ACI database is the efforts that have been shown over the years, in addition to the support of the Ministry of Education and Training, and the leaders of Can Tho University. This is an important step for CTUJS to strengthen its international integration in scientific publishing.
ACI was established in 2013 and has officially reviewed journals since 2014. The chairman of ACI is Prof. Narongrit Sombatsompop; the Steering Committee consists of members of ASEAN countries. By the end of 2021, ACI has indexed 662 scientific journals including Indonesia: 218, Thailand: 199, Malaysia: 152, Philippines: 52, Vietnam: 26, Singapore: 10, Cambodia: 2, Myanmar: 2, Brunei: 1.
(Can Tho University Journal of Science)