
1. Peer review process
2. Special issues guidelines
3. Licensing and copyright
4. Open access policy
5. Privacy statement
6. Archiving
7. Submission fees

1. Peer review process

CTUJoISD follows a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. The identities of the reviewers are not disclosed to the authors, and vice versa. To be published in CTUJoISD, all submitted manuscripts must undergo preliminary screening by editors, anonymous assessment by independent reviewers of expertise, revisions by manuscript authors, followed by a final acceptance decision by the Editor-in-Chief.

Manuscript submission

The corresponding author submits the manuscript to the Journal via the online system at the website: ctujs.ctu.edu.vn. The author is not encouraged to send the paper through email.

Preliminary screening and plagiarism check

The Journal editors check whether the manuscript fits the scope and adheres to the guidelines of the Journal.

The manuscript is passed through a plagiarism check by iThenticate plagiarism detection system to ensure that it does not contain an unauthorized version of other authors’ work.

If it passes initial assessment, a section editor is assigned to handle the review process. In this step, the section editor has the option to reject the manuscript if it is not a good fit for the Journal or does not have a considerable quality.

Recommendation of peer-reviewers

The section editor appoints two peer-reviewers of the relevant field for evaluating the manuscript. CTUJoISD follows a double-blind review process, then the identities of the reviewers are not disclosed to the authors, and vice versa.

The review is conducted with one of the recommendations including manuscript acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, resubmission for review, resubmission elsewhere, or manuscript rejection.

Review assessment

After considering the reviewers’ assessment and recommendation, the section editor will make one of the following decisions: manuscript acceptance, revisions required, or manuscript rejection.


The author is required to revise the manuscript responding to the comments of reviewers and the section editor. The revision should also be accompanied by a point-by-point response to reviewers explaining how the manuscript has been changed. All changes should be highlighted.

Final decision

After considering the referees’ recommendation, the author’s revisions, and the section editor’s report, the editorial board is able to make a final decision on the manuscript. When all editorial issues are resolved, the manuscript will be formally accepted for publication. Then, it is edited, typeset, and published sequentially.

2. Special issues guidelines

  • The Journal invites scholars to guest edit special issues. The guest editors’ credentials are checked and approved.
  • CTUJoISD’s Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief will oversee guest editor appointments and special issue proposals, checking the relevance and suitability of the content for CTUJoISD.
  • The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the content of the entire journal, including special issues which fall within the scope of the journal.
  • Guide on special issue proposals:
    • The topic of the proposals within the scope of the Journal.
    • The title should clearly reflect the subject of interest.
    • A summary of the special issue and relevant keywords outlines the primary topic and the areas addressed, ensuring they align with the special issue’s scope.
    • Submission deadline should be specified.
    • Information of guest editors (name, affiliations, email address, research interests).
    • Information on at least 15 planned papers (including names, affiliations, emails and titles of the planned papers).
  • Guest editor responsibilities and ethics:
    • The guest editor must ensure the published content within the special issue is in line with the title and stated scope of the journal.
    • guest editors may contribute to the special issue, but their submissions should be limited to maintain the diversity and inclusiveness of authorship within the research area of the special issue. The articles submitted by guest editors will be managed by Editorial Board members and constitute no more than 25% of the issue's total.
    • Papers submitted to a special issue must be handled under a double-anonymous peer-review process.
    • The guest editors should protect the confidentiality of all material submitted to the journal. 
    • All participants in the peer review process must meticulously consider and disclose any conflicts of interest during the review, decision-making, and publication phases.
  • Guest editor duties:
    • Preparing the Special Issue’s title.
    • Providing a list of potential contributors.
    • Pre-screening and supervising the whole peer review process and making decisions about new submissions in the special issue.
  • Editorial review process of the special issue:
  • After undergoing a double-anonymous peer review, submissions are published when they are accepted and additionally labelled as belonging to a special issue.

3. Licensing and copyright 

All articles published by CTUJoISD are licensed under the Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited, in other words, an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in CTUJoISD is recorded. The authors retain copyright on their articles, but grant CTUJoISD which is identified as the original publisher the rights of the first publication of the work. 

4. Open access policy

CTUJoISD provides immediate open access to its published articles to the public, to broaden opportunities for high quality research findings to be available and widely disseminated with free of charge, contributing to the greater exchange of knowledge.

Open access statement: CTUJoISD permits everyone to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the published articles without registration, price barriers, or asking for permission from the Journal or the author.

5. Privacy statement

The users’ information entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

6. Archiving

The journal utilizes the CLOCKSS system to create archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.

7. Submission fees

Submission fees: 1,500,000 VND (or 65 USD).

When the manuscript passes the screening steps, the author is requested to pay the fee by transferring money to the following account:

Payment in USD:
Paying bank: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - Cantho Branch
Address: 3-5-7 Hoa Binh street, Tan An ward, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Viet Nam
Swift code : BFTVVNVX011
CIF number : 00174654

Payment in VND:
Account number:  1800201213545
Paying bank: Agribank (Ngân hàng Nông nghiệp và Phát triển Nông thôn Cần Thơ)

Submission Fee Flowchart

Note: The submission fee will not be returned if the manuscript is rejected or the author withdraws it. No payment is charged from the manuscript's first author who is not Can Tho University's staff.

- Submission Charge Process
1. Preliminary screening manuscript by the editor.
2. Notifying the author of the screening result by the editorial assistant.
3. Paying the non-refundable submission fee by the author within 10 days if the manuscript is accepted for further step of peer review.
4. Reviewing the manuscript by two independent reviewers.