Pham Chi Hieu * and Pham Le Thong

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The present study aimed at evaluating the impact of the National Target Program on New Rural Development on the household income in Go Quao district, Kien Giang province where had been selected as a pilot site of the program in the province since 2010. Data in the analysis came from a survey on 194 households at study site. The survey was conducted in 2015 to collect the retrospective data on the income of households and socio-economic characteristics of households and communities from 2010 to 2014. Then, the Difference in Differences (DiD) estimator associated with the random effects model were applied to explore the impact as well as the determinants of household income. Estimation results showed that the impact was positive and significant in the first year but turns to insignificant afterwards. The household income is increasing during 2011 – 2013 and mainly dependent on the transportation infrastructure of the community and the participation in agricultural cooperatives. In addition, since household income mainly came from agricultural production, labor and landholding were also key predictors of income.
Keywords: impact evaluation, National Target Program on New Rural Development, difference in differences, household income, Go Quao

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