Dinh Xuan Hung *

* Corresponding author (dinhhung4@gmail.com)

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The data of the project: “Research on fluctuations and distributions of fishing effort in the South-East offshore Waters of Vietnam” was used to analysis fishing effort and stock biomass status of trawler activities in the South-East offshore waters. The results showed that fishing effort and stock biomass of trawlers group over 250 hp power were overfished maximum sustainable level. The trawlers of 90 to 249 hp showed two diffirence periods: The stage before 2010, stock biomass was overfished but fishing effort was not overfished. Otherwise, the stage after 2010, both fishing effort and stock biomass were overfished maximum sustainable level and trended to increase rapidly. For trawlers group under 90 hp, fishing effort had not been overfished but stock biomass crossed the threshold. In general, fishing status of all of trawls trend to deeply overfished both sides of fishing effort and stock biomass, the reducing number of trawler is recommended to remain sustainable stock biomass in the South-East offshore Waters. Kobe Plot chart was used to assess fishing effort and stock biomass actuality of the survey years compare to maximum sustainable threshold and trend its fluctuation. There are important results for reference point to support managers issue decisions for fishing effort controlling to maintain and develop marine fish resource in the South – East Offshore Waters.
Keywords: Fishing effort, Kobe Plot, South – East Offshore Waters, stock biomass, trawler

Article Details


Bui Van Tung, 2013. Research on fluctuations and distributions of fishing effort in the South- East offshore waters of Vietnam. Scientific report. Reseach Institute for Marine Fisheries. Research Institute for Marine Fisheries, Hai Phong (in Vietnamese).

Bui Van Tung, 2014. Maximum sustainable yield and fishing effort in the South-East offshore waters of Vietnam. Can Tho University Journal of Science. 34: 55-63 (in Vietnamese).

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