Nguyen Huu Hao * , Pham Van Van and Khuong Manh Ha

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The major purpose of this research is to seek out appropriate cultivated areas for paddy rice crop production in Quang Xuong District. Therefore, the assessment of land suitability for this crop is essential for land-users and land managers to understand the capacity and restrictions of the existing land conditions for making suitable policies and plans of land use in the fiture. In this research, an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and GIS were applied to assess land suitability for rice crop. The results find out that 24.82%, 52.33%, 18.40%, and 4.45% of the examined areas were clasified as moderate, marginal, current, and permanent unsuitability levels, respectively for rice production. It was identified that the most important constraint factors in the growth of paddy rice were found to be the topography, organic matter, soil texture, soil depth and irrigation condition. The study also indicates that the spatial information resulted could be used to assist land use based directly on its potential to minimize environmental problems, and increases individual farmers’ incomes through proper use.
Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Geographic Information System (GIS), land suitability evaluation, rice

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