Trung Hau Nguyen , Hoai Xuan Nu Tran , Thi Thuy Vu * , Thi Thuy Linh Ho and Thi Tuong Van Nguyen

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The peel of purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.) can account for up to 60% of the total weight and contains usable organic compounds such as polymeric sugars, including pectin. The influences of ripeness stages and the extraction conditions (solvents, peel to solvent ratio, temperature, time) on the extract of crude pectin yield were investigated. The results indicated that pectin yield was independent of fruit maturation. The extraction efficiency reached its peak when extracted with citric acid and demonstrated optimal pectin production yield with the ratio of 1:5 (w/v) and at 95°C for 80 minutes. The extracted crude pectin was then applied to mango jam production. Jam made from extracted pectin had a good structure, moderate hardness, nice color, and harmonious taste. The ability to form coagulation on mango jam of crude pectin was weaker than commercial pectin. This study found that the topic's practical applicability to the processing of food products was significant.

Keywords: acid, extraction, passion fruit peel, pectin, yield

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