Nguyen Danh Nam * , Le Chi Phuong and Le Thi Truc Phuong

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The study aims to explore the impact of personality traits on ethical leadership, job performance and job satisfaction of public servants working in the Northern public sector of Vietnam. A quantitative approach was employed to evaluate the impact of personality traits on ethical leadership, job performance, and job satisfaction. A structured questionnaire was administered to obtain information from public servants. The SPSS 26 was used to conduct the demographic information of public servants and the SmartPLS 3.0 version was used to process the SEM. The research results showed Big Five personality traits have a positive impact on ethical leadership, job performance, and job satisfaction. Additionally, ethical leadership and job performance have a positive correlation with the job satisfaction of public servants. The research results were used to recommend leaders of State Administrative agencies in the Red River Delta to understand the personality traits of public servants to increase job satisfaction and achieve greater job performance.

Keywords: Personality traits, ethical leadership, job performance, job satisfaction, public servants

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