Phan Yen Ngan Nguyen * , Dung Hai Dinh and Ngoc Hong Tran

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The emergence of technology has brought about a dramatic shift in different aspects of life, especially the aspect of societal advancement. As people adapt to such transformation, it is undoubted that their lifestyles adapt as well. However, whether such changes oppose the well-being of an individual and whether there is a relationship between daily habits and health condition is an interesting topic that this research is going to focus on. Meanwhile, the benefits of implementing data analysis have been proven regarding understanding statistical problems. On such account, this work is going to use the powerful method of data analysis into investigating the relationship between lifestyle and health conditions, with the practice of big data sets deploying R programming language. The procedure from gathering to interpreting data is going to be introduced, and the result is then placed in comparison with related existing studies. By doing so, it has shown that the result has reflected accurately the topics and thus, given evidence for the potential of analyzing the connection between habitual practice and health status.

Keywords: Data analysis, healthcare, life style, R language

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