Quoc Bao Truong * , Tan-Loc Tran , Tan-Kiet Thanh Nguyen and Huu-Cuong Nguyen

* Corresponding author (tqbao@ctu.edu.vn)

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Smart parking systems along with that is continuous development of new technologies, are widely applied to improve our lives. It can also add new technologies with advanced functions making it a multi-functional management system. Thanks to the anti-theft technologies that are installed, modern cars are significantly more difficult to steal than they once were. However,  electrical systems can still experience issues, though and malfunction at some point. This paper suggests using video image recognition technology, at car parks and parking lots as an anti-theft solution, alerting the presence of the non-owner of vehicle in the driver’s seat. The system automatically predicts whether the driver is valid with the registration number plate. The image of the car is captured by the camera at the entrance gates of the parking lot. The proposed algorithm includes face recognition in images, building a deep learning convolutional network that classifies faces (subscriber’s images); using Cascade trainer to train number plate object recognition, vehicle number recognition through character recognition technique. The system can recognize reality through a personal computer connected to the camera at the scene or through photos and video files. Result, the model can face recognition and match to license plate in at a moment.

Keywords: anti theft car convolution neural networks (CNN) object detection optical character recognition (OCR)

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