Hong Quan Nguyen , Duc Dang Khoi Nguyen , Tan Duy Le , An Mai and Kha Tu Huynh *

* Corresponding author (hktu@hcmiu.edu.vn)

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This paper proposes an approach for constructing a system for career prediction by applying the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Decision Tree model to the academic results of Ho Chi Minh International University’s School of Computer Science and Engineering graduates in the past 5 years. Initially, the dataset is cleaned up and normalized to be usable for the prediction algorithm with the help of Python 3 programming language. It is then split into 2 subsets: one for training (80 percent) and the other for testing (20 percent). After that, the algorithm uses the training subset to build the classification model. Finally, the testing subset is loaded into the model to predict each student’s career path based on the respective inputs and hyper-parameters tuning is employed to boost the model’s accuracy. By utilizing this solution, the problem related to predicting students’ future career paths based on their performance throughout their years studying at the university can be adequately addressed and handled.

Keywords: Career path prediction, decision making, deep learning, tree classification, XGBoost decision

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