Resistance of Citrus species (Citrus spp.) to the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus sp.
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The study was carried out to evaluate the resistance of various domestic citrus species to the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus sp. for further research in rootstock selection as well as nematode management. The experiment was accomplished in a completely randomized design with 19 popular citrus species as 19 treatments, with thirty repeats and one plant for each experimental unit. The population of the nematode after 15 days of inoculation was calculated from growing media and roots for classifying the resistance capability of Citrus species. As a result, referred to the statistical analysis results and the Reproductive Index of the target nematode, they were suggestively classified into 5 distinctive groups: (i) resistant species: C. grandis var. Duong La Cam, C. maxima var. Tam Quy, L. littoralis, C. nobilis var. typica; (ii) moderately resistant specie: C. nobilis var. Sanh; (iii) moderately susceptible species: C. latifolia, C. macroptera, C. sinensis cv. Soan, C. microcarpa , and C. reticulata var. Duong; (iv) susceptible species: C. maxima var. Da Xanh, C. maxima var. Long Co Co, C. maxima var. Nam Roi, C. sinensis var. Mat, and C. nobilis var. chrysocarpa; (v) highly susceptible species: C. limonia, C. hystrix, C. volkameriana and P. trifoliatus. Therefore, C. grandis var. Duong La Cam, C. maxima var. Tam Quy, L. littoralis, and C. nobilis var. typica could be further researched to select appropriate rootstocks for citrus cultivation in the nematode-infected regions.
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