Nguyen Phuoc Thanh * , Nguyen Thanh Hoang , Hoang Ngoc Xuan Nguyen , Phan Huynh Thanh Binh , Vu Hoang Son Hai and Huynh Hieu Nhan

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The present study meticulously investigates optimization strategies for real-time sign language recognition (SLR) employing the MediaPipe framework. We introduce an innovative multi-modal methodology, amalgamating four distinct Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models dedicated to processing skeletal coordinates ascertained from the MediaPipe framework. Rigorous evaluations were executed on esteemed sign language datasets. Empirical findings underscore that the multi-modal approach significantly elevates the accuracy of the SLR model while preserving its real-time capabilities. In comparative analyses with prevalent MediaPipe-based models, our multi-modal strategy consistently manifested superior performance metrics. A distinguishing characteristic of this approach is its inherent adaptability, facilitating modifications within the LSTM layers, rendering it apt for a myriad of challenges and data typologies. Integrating the MediaPipe framework with real-time SLR markedly amplifies recognition precision, signifying a pivotal advancement in the discipline.

Keywords: LSTM, MediaPipe, How2Sign, Indian Sign Language, ISL

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