Tran Thi Ngoc Nhung * , Pham Hoang Son and Le Ngoc Linh

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Analyzing research collaboration within a university through its publication outputs is crucial for academia and research management. It helps understand knowledge exchange dynamics, inter-departmental and inter-institutional cooperation, and research impact, thereby promoting innovation and contributing to the scientific community. By examining co-authorship networks and publication metadata, we reveal the collaborative efforts at Can Tho University (CTU). This information supports interdisciplinary research, identifies influential researchers and departments, benchmarks against peers, and assesses research impact. Such insights enable the university to enhance research strategies, partnerships, and academic excellence.In this paper, we analyze CTU-affiliated publications to uncover inter-organizational, international, and industry collaborations, and identify predominant areas of collaboration. Our study examines 3,322 Dimensions publications from 2012 to 2023 to provide a comprehensive overview of CTU's collaborative landscape.

Keywords: Can Tho University, international collaboration, international research collaboration, research collaboration outcome, industry collaboration

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