Peter Sanjo Adewale *

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Globally, there is growing concern about the transfer of heavy metals into human food and water due to their ability to move from soil to plants. This study evaluated the health risks associated with the transfer of heavy metals from soil to Celosia trigyna and Amaranthus viridis along the Lekki Peninsula in Lagos. Soil and vegetable samples were collected from 12 locations, and the levels of heavy metals in the samples were determined using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Soil pH was slightly acidic (5.31 –6.82). EC values range from 121 to 382µs/cm, while low soil CEC, N, TOC and OM were recorded in all the study sites. The concentrations of heavy metals in the soils were in this order: Zn >Cu>Mn >Cd>Pb. The uptake of metals by the vegetables was in the order Cu>Zn>Mn>Cd>Pb. Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) from Consumption of C. trigyna and A. viridis ranged between 0.1320-0.000mg-1kg-1adult-1d-1. The Health Risk Index ranged from 5.23 to 0.01. The total Hazard Index was 41.75. The concentration of heavy metals in the vegetables was a function of contaminated soil and toxic elements deposition from passing vehicles. Following the hazard index result, the vegetables in locations 1 – 6 are not safe for human consumption.

Keywords: Health risks, health hazard, vegetables, heavy metals, transfer factor

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