Vo Phuong Quyen * , Pham Thi My Nga and Ho Thao Nguyen

* Corresponding author (vpquyen@ctu.edu.vn)

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Along with the demand of global integration, learning foreign languages for international communication has become more and more vital between Vietnamese and foreigners. Therefore, English speaking skills is an indispensable course in English language curriculum at tertiary level. However, it is not easy for English learners in this context to achieve their fluency and proficiency in English speaking skill due to certain internal and external factors. Therefore this study is to investigate challenges of speaking skills faced by English-majored freshmen in a Vietnamese university. The data obtained from the survey questionnaires with 131 students, individual interviews with lecturers, and class observation. The findings show that English freshmen faced both internal and external challenges, especially the latter ones regarding the limitation of English speaking environment and extracurricular activities. Possible measures are proposed to tackle such challenges in helping students speak English more effectively.
Keywords: Challenges, speaking skills, Vietnamese undergraduates

Article Details


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