Tran Ngoc Bich * , Nguyen Thi Cam Loan , Pham Hoang Dung and Nguyen Phuc Khanh

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Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) primarily causes a highly infectious bronchitis (IB) in commercial chickens. Virus isolation and identification is necessary for diagnosis of the disease. In this study, a total of 5 IBV isolates that isolated from commercial poultry farms were isolated by inoculation in 9 day-old embryonated SPF eggs. After few passages, the embryos showed typical lesions of IB such as stunted and curled cross with feather dystrophy. Then, the 5 IBV isolates were characterized by RT-PCR followed by DNA sequencing of partial S1 gene. The phylogenetic analysis shows that the 5 IBV isolates distinctly clustered into 3 groups. Group 1 including IBV1/15, IBV2/15 and IBV3/15 shared more than 99% similarity with IBV genotype 793/B. Group 2 consisting of isolate IBV4/15 was closely related to genotype QX-like with the similarity of 98%.Interestingly, group 3consisting of IBV5/15 had genetic distance ranged from 8% to 10% with other reported IBV genotypes such as 793/B, Massachusetts-type, Taiwan-type and QX-like viruses whilstIBV5/15 shared about 99% similarities with a nephropathogenic Malaysian IBV isolate.
Keywords: Commercial chicken, coronavirus, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), RT-PCR

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