Phuong Hoang Yen *

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Task based language teaching (TBLT) is currently being introduced throughout Asia and has emerged as a central concept from a study of curriculum guidelines and syllabi in the Asia Pacific countries. In some countries such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, TBLT has been strongly promoted in English language education policies . However, in practice, recent research shows that Asian teachers still prefer long-standing presentation- practice-production (PPP).  In that context, this case study used diary methods and stimulated recall interviews to investigate specific obstacles that a Vietnamese teacher had to overcome when implementing TBLT in her writing classroom while she had more knowledge of and experience with PPP. Teaching one undergraduate class of writing under task-based instruction and another under more teacher-directed instruction – PPP for one semester, the teacher had a lot to tell about the challenges she faced when implementing TBLT. 
Keywords: Task-based Language Teaching, Asian countries, teacher perceptions, case study

Article Details


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