Nguyen Minh Tuan * , Phayung Meesad , Duong Van Hieu and Maleerat Maliyaem

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Library service quality, one of the key performance indicators of service qualities in universities, has been considered deeply in management strategies as part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, especially, after the Covid-19 pandemic. We undertook a survey around Universities in Ho Chi Minh City and Tien Giang University, Vietnam focused on freshmen and sophomores to assess library service quality for improving the learning service quality. Machine learning has been deployed for predicting the library service, quality, and has been adopted successfully in depicting the assessment results. To perform the effectiveness of data, the Convolution Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (Conv-BiLSTM), and Convolution Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (ConvBiGRU) were used. The models have illustrated appropriate performances when providing sufficient accuracy and extracting the prediction of the output.

Keywords: Library service quality, Machine learning, GRU, LSTM, Convolutional

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