Phuong Hoang Yen * , Huynh Minh Hien and Huynh Chi Minh Huyen

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Blended learning has become an attractive tendency in education worldwide since the internet develops quickly and attracts a vast number of users. In English language teaching and learning, blended learning offers a lot of promising potential in helping learners to acquire and improve their language competence. The current study was conducted at a university in Vietnam to explore students’ overall impressions of blended learning as well as its benefits and challenges. All 165 participants in the current study have experienced learning English in a blended learning environment in two consequential semesters. The findings reveal that more than half of participants had good impressions about the environment and perceived various benefits as well as challenges of it. However, the study implies that to make blended learning more effective in Vietnam context, more teacher involvement should be implemented.
Keywords: Blended learning, EMI, stu­dents, Vietnam

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