Effects of rotifer densities on larval performance of spotted scat (Scatophagus argus)
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This study is aimed to determine the optimal rotifer feeding density for larviculture of spotted scat fish (Scatophagus argus). The experiment was randomly set up in triplicate with 5 treatments including 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 rotifers/mL. The fish larvae with the initial body length and depth at 2,343 ± 110 µm and 812 ± 85µm, respectively, were stocked in 250-L tanks at 10 larva/L of density and 25‰ of salinity. After 21 days of rearing, the results showed that the larval growth were at 243 – 330 µm/day of DLG and 5.50 – 6.70 %/day of SGRL; 131 –204 µm/day of DDG and 7.20 – 8.93 %/day of SGRD, but no significant difference in larval growth performance was recorded among treatments (p>0.05). However, the highest survival rate of fish larvae (35.4-48.1%) was recorded in the treatments fed 5 and 10 rotifers/mL and was significantly higher than other treatments (p<0.05). The data demonstrated that spotted scat larvae fed effectively across as wide range of rotifer densities and the range at 5-10 rotifers/mL were suggested for the husbandry practices.
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