Tran Thanh Tuan , Nguyen Anh Tu , Le Thi Ngoc Huong , Dinh Thi Tu Ngan , Ngo Truong Ngoc Mai , Nguyen Thi Bich Thuyen , Ho Quoc Phong , Doan Van Hong Thien and Viet Nhan Hoa Nguyen *

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Purple passion fruit is widely cultivated in Vietnam and its peels are considered by-products or agricultural waste after processing, which could cause environmental issues. Notably, these peels contain some valuable components with high bioactivities and applicability, such as anthocyanins (natural colorants) and pectin. Therefore, this work proposes a process for the sequential recycling of anthocyanins and pectin from purple passion fruit waste, in which anthocyanin extraction conditions and their bioactivity by ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction were studied and the characteristics of the obtained pectin were analyzed. The results showed that approximately 95% anthocyanins (125.4 mg/100 g dried peels) were extracted under the best conditions such as 80% ethanol (v/v), 1:25 (g/mL) solid/liquid ratio, 40°C incubation temperature, and 10 minutes sonication time. The findings demonstrated the antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of KB epithelial cells of the anthocyanin extract. Additionally, 7.47% of pectin from the residues after extraction anthocyanins were extracted by citric acid with pH 2 at 87°C for 90 minutes. The pectin has 68.34% purity, and 57.14% of DE, and its structure was confirmed by FT-IR spectra. This study can be utilized to recover useful components from purple passion fruit peel waste, improving the fruit’s value and reducing the environmental impacts of its peels.

Keywords: Anthocyanins, anti-oxidant, food additives, natural food colorants, pectin, purple passion fruit peels

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