Ho Quoc Phong , Nguyen Thi Bich Thuyen , Tran Thanh Men , Nguyen Van Dat , Lam Phuc Thong , Le Kien Quoc , Huynh Nhu and Lien Huong Huynh *

* Corresponding author (hlhuong@ctu.edu.vn)

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Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth is a valuable herbal plant with numerous medicinal properties, offering potential for the development of herbal products with antioxidant benefits. Extraction is a critical step in the recovery and analysis of bioactive compounds in botanical materials. The judicious selection of extraction methodologies and solvents is important in ensuring the recovery and protection of the biological efficacy of these compounds, thereby facilitating the standardization of herbal products. This study investigates the influence of solvent on the yield, chemical composition, and antioxidative activity of P. Pellucida seed extract. The results underscore a propensity towards maximal yield with ethanol employment. Furthermore, all extracts manifest a moderate antioxidative capacity, with the ethyl acetate extract particularly demonstrating heightened activity. Dill apiol is identified as the predominant constituent in all extracts, constituting up to 83% of the composition. The study's findings suggest the promising potential of P. Pellucida seed extract as a valuable source of antioxidants, paving the way for the creation of beneficial herbal products.

Keywords: Antioxidant activity, extraction, Peperomia pellucida, seed extract

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